So, as with most 4 year olds I assume, we are having some issues with listening and following directions lately. This morning while getting ready for daycare, I had to use the ol "Santa is watching really closely right now and if you don't listen to me and Daddy then he might have to move you onto the naughty list." Well McKenzie's response to this was, "No he's not Mom. He's sick so he can't watch me." I finally figured out that Santa was supposed to visit the daycare yesterday but Santa called in sick so the kids were told that Santa was sick and couldn't make it to visit them. McKenzie seems to think that this means she's off the hook for being good because if he's in bed sick, he can't be watching her. I mean really, can we ever get a break?! I had to break out the elves. When Santa is sick, he sends his elves out to keep an eye on the kids and then they go back and let Santa know who needs to be moved to the naughty list. Well she told me I'm a liar and Santa does not send out the elves and she's never even seen an elf. Needless to say, she was a good hour late to daycare this morning. UGH!
McKenzie has come a long way from last year's holiday dance program. This year she didn't cry about the tutu's being itchy until the very end of the program! Last year she refused to put it on at all. Wow, she's growing up. One thing that I have learned though is that Dance Mom's are crazy. I am going to have to be much more aggressive I guess. I was literally the first one there but the last one in the room once the door opened. I was pushed out the way by parents and grandparents! Once I got in, all the chairs were taken. Here I am carrying this baby carrier with Olivia in it and not one person offered to give up a chair to me (knowing I was the first one there). So I find an open spot on a bench on the side of the room and as I am about to sit down, the old lady sitting next to my spot decided to scoot down saying "I should save a spot for so and so." I was about an inch from sitting on her lap. I couldn't believe it! These dance mom's have not seen the last of me though!!! I can play their little game!! LOL McKenzie's next mission is the ice skating competition which is held on March 1st. She's very excited about it and about working with her coach on a routine. This is going to be another interesting event. I'm sure the costume will be too itchy or something. Who knows! It's definitely entertaining for us though! From what I've seen so far, ice skating mom's are much nicer!!
I got the privilege of taking McKenzie to her first concert. My sister Nicki also took her daughter, Alexa, so we all went together to see the Cheetah Girls. It actually wasn't too bad for a Disney concert. Not that I would want to have to sit through it again. I have to say though that some parents are insane. I saw a girl who couldn't be more than 6 years old wearing a tube top and mini skirt to this concert. She was with her mom who I guess wasn't dressed a whole lot better. Man, these kids are growing up too fast as it is.
Olivia is doing great. She is smiling and giggling a lot now. We think she is teething already. She is drooling a lot and crying much more. She has been getting ibuprofen a lot lately. Poor thing. She still only rolls over when she's mad. Although, she has figured out how to wiggle herself out of her bouncy seat. We have to keep a close eye on her now when she's in that thing. I was making dinner and came out of the kitchen to find her out of the bouncy seat and on the floor just laying on her stomach. She sure wasn't happy about it though!
Bobby and I get a special treat tomorrow night. I won an Extreme Christmas Experience package through Village Pointe Mall. I won dinner for 4 at The Melting Pot, a horse-drawn carriage ride, 4 tickets to the Omaha Symphony and a $200 gift card to Village Pointe mall. Unfortunately we have a Christmas gathering tomorrow night so we are going to go to dinner but have to skip out on the Symphony. If anyone wants to go to the symphony, just let us know. The tickets are up for grabs. I can't pass up The Melting Pot though!!