Christmas was great for us as well. Santa brought McKenzie TWO lightsabers and a magic wand. What a spoiled little girl. She was very certain that she remained on the nice list this year. Bobby and I were questionable on that. Although, she was concerned for a couple of her uncles. Christmas morning she told us that she was pretty sure uncle Don and uncle Gary were on the nice list and Santa had paid them a visit. To make sure she got her presents though she was very nice to Santa. She left him plenty of cookies and milk. she also left a whole bag of baby carrots for the reindeer and even a side of ranch for Rudolph. She told us Rudolph is the only one who likes ranch however.
Santa brought me a Nintendo Wii. I have played it once, as school and work have taken over my life. McKenzie has gotten a lot of play out of it though and has begun to understand how it all works. I'm actually impressed at how fast she has caught on to Mario Cart! She finally finished a race before the time ran up. She still comes in last place but we just tell her that she came in 12th rather than last. It seems to settle with her a little better.
Olivia seems to be teething. We have been getting some rather fussy moments with her lately. She'll cry out of nowhere just to remind us that it hurts. She pulls at her gums and goes to town on her fingers. I'm surprised her fingers aren't raw with how much she chews on them. All part of the growing process. She is still a very happy baby though and smiles and laughs all the time. She has started a new trick where she gurgles at herself and then laughs and then does it again over and over. It's hilarious to watch. If only we could all entertain ourselves that way!
We hope that 2009 brings you and your family peace and happiness. We are very excited to see what will come of this year.