We have successfully made it through the first 3 weeks at home with Olivia. We were finally just starting to get the hang of dividing our attention between the two girls and we have just been faced with our first hurdle. McKenzie came down with the flu this weekend. Saturday I stayed home with both the girls while Bobby happily made the journey down to Lincoln for the Husker game. Not sure how that happened. Let me tell you, it was tough having them both during those 6 hours. McKenzie was getting sick about every 15 minutes and Olivia was crying nonstop for a good hour and a half at at ime. I think that I was being tested!! Well, I got through it. Everyone is still in one piece. McKenzie is still sick but Olivia has been sleeping on Bobby's chest pretty much all day today. Apparently Olivia is just as big of a football fan as Bobby. He finally found someone in our house to sit and watch football for hours straight.
At Olivia's last doctor's appointment, we learned that she has grown 2 inches and gained some weight. She is up to 8.3 lbs now. She's starting to acknowledge us. We can get her to stick her tongue out at us and follow us with her eyes. She's doing great with McKenzie but but they seem to scare each other at times. McKenzie gets scared sometimes when Olivia cries, thinking she did something wrong. Olivia gets scared when McKenzie yells or jumps around her or whatever crazy thing McKenzie is doing at that time.
McKenzie is doing soccer still. We had a game yesterday morning but she refused to play. Come to find out she was sick. She did participate in the warm up games though and I've posted some photos of that.
Other than that, we don't have a lot of exciting news right now. We are just hanging in there getting used to having two kids now and balancing the activities we have to run to.