Announcing our new arrival:
Olivia Jean Byers
Born September 5th, 2008 at 7:32am
7lbs 14 oz
18.5 inches
We are very excited to be home with Olivia. Kari and Olivia are both doing well. Olivia has a bit of jaundice that we are fighting but seems to be doing great. Kari is taking it easy while she heals from the surgery. She has been a bit sick running a fever and chills. We aren't yet sure if she has flu symptoms or if she has an infection from the surgery. She has a doctor appointment today so we'll find out. Other than that, she has a hard time sitting still.
McKenzie has been doing great as a new big sister. She wants to help out with diapers and feedings and putting the baby to sleep. She helps us pick out clothes for the baby to wear and always runs around to find the binky when Olivia cries.
Bobby has been home for the week taking care of Kari and Olivia. He runs errands, picks up lunch and brings home movies to watch. Kari tends to like to go along on errands when she can so she doesn't develop cabin fever. Lately though this has turned into one errand a day to get out of the house.
It's been really great to have the family together this week so far. McKenzie got to stay home from school on Monday to have a "family day." This sounded really fun for her until we took Olivia to the doctor and ended up getting McKenzie a flu shot. She's been asking to go to school every other day this week.
That's about all going on at our house right now. Once we get Kari healthy again, we'd love to see everyone and show off this new baby. Don't be shy, give us a call.
Congratulations and welcome to the world Olivia!
I am so happy for you! Your family is beautiful. I hope all is well.
Sigma Kappa Love,
Meghan Green aka Meghan Stewart
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