Friday, October 10, 2008

Fall Fun

Well, my time home with Olivia is sadly coming to an end. Next week will be my last week home with our new daughter. I'm sure I'll have just as hard of a time with it as I did when I had to take McKenzie to daycare. I remember calling Bobby crying every day for two weeks as I dropped McKenzie off at daycare on my way to work. I hope he's ready for those phone calls again! In the end though, McKenzie just loves daycare. She loves being around the other kids and learning the alphabet and numbers. I would never have been able to teach her everything she knows now. I just have to remind myself of that.

On a happier note, we went on one of a few trips to Vala's Pumpkin Patch last night. We live so close that this ends up being a frequent trip for us each fall. I'll be going again next week with McKenzie's class as a volunteer. I'm sure that won't be the last time for this fall either. It's also my dad's favorite place to get a chili bowl so he drives from Lincoln at least once a week just to go in to eat!

I was able to continue on with my annual Husker game trip this year. I went this year with Bobby, my cousin Josh and our friend Kelsey. I had fun but realized once again why I only go once a year. I'm sorry but some of the people that go to Husker games should just stay home. Bobby was almost arrested for standing up during the game at our seats. It was ridiculous. It made for an interesting game. I had an old women try to pick a fight with me because my husband was standing. She actually dug her knees into my back and pushed her elbows into my neck. Ugh! The tailgating was fun though! Thanks for the food guys!!

McKenzie is growing up so fast. She will be turning 4 this year! Where does the time go? Her newest thing is that she has taken up gambling! This past weekend she won a game of dice at the Byers annual golf tournament luncheon. Ahhh, Bobby and I are so proud! We can now send her to college!!

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