Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Our First Bloody ER Visit

Although we have been to the ER once before for McKenzie for a dislocated elbow, this weekend was the first for us dealing with blood. On Saturday, we were at the Byers' house for a small family gathering having a great time. McKenzie went tubing (this year is the first year for her) and she got to spend a lot of time in the lake swimming. During her time in the lake, she decided to float on her back by the "chinese horseshoe" game. I'm not sure if that is what it is called, but you have a bottle on top of a pole in the water and throw a frisbee (McKenzie calls this a "crispee") at the pole to knock the bottle off into the water. As she was floating there, minding her own business, having a great time, the bottle fell and ended up hitting her above her left eyebrow.

Luckily for me I was inside at the time and did not see the bloody part. ( I don't tend to do well in those situations - that's Bobby's territory) Once I was informed my child was hurt, the blood had been slowed and she had been cleaned up. It wasn't all that bad once the bleeding was under control but the nurses in the family felt we should take her to the ER to get a stitch or glue. McKenzie did great. She didn't cry and she cooperated with the nurses and doctors very well. It was Bobby and I that had the hard time at the ER. Try explaining to the ER staff that your three year old may need stitches because she was hit the face with a beer bottle! After two hours of sitting in the ER, she got the laceration glued together and we hurried back to the party for the big 3-D Hannah Montana concert that was on the Disney channel. Missing that concert might have been worse for her than the injury!

Other than that, we have been finishing up T-Ball. Bobby has had a great time this year coaching. McKenzie really enjoys playing but with the heat lately, the kids get distracted and tired quickly. The games have been averaging to about 30 minutes tops in the past few games. The kids love to get together, play a couple innings and then they are all pumped to find out what the snack is that day. It's fun to watch them all run after the ball and tackle each other for it. When they run bases, it's funny to see where they go. Some will hit the ball and then run after it. Some will run to first and stay there while others just keep on running. And some, we just aren't sure were they are going. LOL It is definitely an entertaining 30 min for the parents and family members who come out to watch. Thank you to everyone who has come out to support McKenzie. She just loves it when people come to watch her.

1 comment:

bmryba said...

Yikes! Glad she made it through the stiches and didn't miss her Hannah Montana. Looks like you're having a fun and quite eventful summer! Good hearing about what's going on in your life and happy to hear things are going well and will have 2nd girl in Sept. Look forward to seeing pictures of new baby!