Monday, August 4, 2008

Congrats Jenny!!

We hope everyone is having a great summer. Ours has been busy but we have packed in a lot of fun. We are finally beginning to slow down a bit and relax as we get ready for the new baby to come. We have about 4 more weeks to go and I can't tell you how ready I am. Summer is brutal on the pregnant body! It's mostly indoor activities for me lately.

I want to congratulate my older sister Jenny. She passed her boards and is now a Nurse Practitioner! We are all so proud of her. It's been a very long journey for her to get to where she is now but she did it! The only bad part is that she has accepted a job in Mankato Minnesota and will be moving soon with her family. We are going to miss her very much but I'm sure we will be able to see each other often.

Yesterday was a great time for us. Bobby's aunt Barb and cousin Jenny were in town from CO for an "End of Summer BBQ." It was really great to see them again as usual and have the family together. McKenzie especially had fun running around with the kids. She thinks Will and Ben are just hilarious. She also got to play with Emmy and Finley which gave her a little practice around the smaller kids, getting her ready for the baby.

McKenzie has finished up some of her summer activities. She recently had her last T-Ball game and has also finished "Princess Camp." Princess camp is basically a week long dance camp but everything is princess related. McKenzie absolutely loved it. She would barely say goodbye to me when I would drop her of at camp. She was ready to go as soon as we stepped foot in the door. Here's a short little 3 min video of her last day performance. She's in the back row in black with pink tights. It's pretty cute!

Next on the list of to-do's for McKenzie is soccer. Bobby once again will be McKenzie's coach. Although he tries to act like it's such a pain, I know he secretly loves it. He loves getting out there with the kids and teaching them the fun in the sport. He was given many compliments by the T-Ball parents about how patient he is with the kids and how well he did teaching them. We had some really neat kids on McKenzie's T-Ball team and can't wait to meet the kids on her soccer team. McKenzie has gotten all the gear already (of course, it is all pink) and she's excited to get started. Bobby's just hoping that he can still make it to some Husker football games this year since soccer will be on Saturdays now.

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