Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend

Olivia got her helmet this weekend. Although we are glad to get this therapy started, we are already ready for it to be over. We requested a very cute pink cheetah print helmet for her but it came as regular cheetah print which was disappointing. Oh well. We are amazed at how common the helmet therapy is. We are stopped everywhere we go by someone who wants to tell us how cute she is and tell their story of someone they know going through helmet therapy. We have found that these "designer" helmets offered now are very new. Everyone has thought we drew the design on Olivia's helmet. The summer months are going to be tough with Olivia. Her helmet is basically made of styrofoam on the inside and holds in the heat that would escape through her head. The biggest concern is making sure Olivia doesn't overheat. During the next few months, Olivia will have to stay indoors in the A/C or have other accommodations that keep her cool. She already has a pretty good heat rash across her forehead from the weekend that we have to watch.
This weekend, the girls and I were able to relax most of the weekend. On Saturday, we hung out at my mom's house by the pool. I got Olivia a little baby pool with a canopy to keep her shaded from the sun. She had so much fun splashing around in her little pool. Her cousin Alexa found the baby pool to be just as fun as the big pool!

After spending time at the pool at my mom's house again on Sunday, we drove out to Bob and Jane's house on the lake for a BBQ. McKenzie had fun playing in the lake. I honestly don't know how though. That water was freezing. I stuck my foot in and was done with that!

We got to spend some time with our niece, Finley. I was so excited to have some time with her. Usually when we see her it is with other family as well so I don't usually get to spend a lot of time with her. We took a boat ride together and she came up and sat on my lap and fell asleep. It was adorable. She also shared with me her favorite collection of rocks.
Luckily, there was a nice breeze out at the lake and I was able to keep Olivia outside with us. She enjoys the scenery at the lake and watching the water. Here she spent a little time with Grandpa Don.

On Memorial day, we headed out to the lake in Fremont with my dad and is new boat. McKenzie and Alexa were excited to play with one another again. McKenzie is going through a weird stage right now where she's scared to go fast in the boat. Last year there were no problems. The only thing I can think of is that it stems back from when we went to Okaboji last year and Bobby took her on an upside down ride. Ever since then, shes been scared of everything!
Alexa had fun burying herself in the sand.

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