Thursday, May 14, 2009


Finally, we are getting some nice spring days. I love the spring mornings when you wake up and the sun is shining and you can't wait to get outside. McKenzie is usually the first one out in the mornings in her pajamas. That kid would live in her pajamas if I would let her. Friday is pajama day at school and she's been talking about it for over a week now.
Olivia is growing up faster than we can believe. She's started eating "big girl foods" now and can't seem to get enough. She loves graham crackers and cheerios. She also loves bananas and applesauce. She's getting very close to crawling. She hates to be on her tummy but her physical therapist gave me a lecture that she needs more time on her tummy to strengthen her neck (so her head isn't tilted as below) so we'll be doing more of that and hopefully she'll get so mad she'll just get up and crawl. Her friends that she plays with while McKenzie does gymnastics both crawl and leave her behind so I'm thinking she'll catch on quick. She hates being left behind.

Our insurance company has FINALLY approved helmet therapy for Olivia. We've had her initial appointment and the scanning of her head. We've picked out the awesome pattern for the outside of the helmet (we didn't have much to pick from) and should be getting the helmet soon. As soon as we get it, she'll have to wear it almost 24/7 for 3 months. It won't hurt her, it might just be annoying from time to time but we wanted to give her the chance to get a perfectly round head like it was supposed to be. Unfortunately the torticollis she was diagnosed with caused "flat head" on one side. You can't really tell by looking at her straight on but if you saw the back of her head, you'd know what I was talking about. We have been battling with the insurance company for quite a while over this though. They don't want to pay for anything cosmetic but we won since this was caused by the torticollis. Otherwise we were going to have to decide if we wanted to pay for it out of pocket. It's not cheap!

The girls are becoming more and more "daddy's girls". I guess with him working so much, I've had to discipline more and so they seem to like him again. LOL One thing he's always been able to do is get these kids to sleep. Why won't they sleep when I hold them???

McKenzie was part of an ice skating/dance recital last weekend. It was very cute. Her group was Monsters Inc and she was very excited to get the chance to dress up as Sully or "Silly" when she pronounces it. She had a great time. As soon as they got out there, she was knocked over by another girl but she got up and finished it out. It was very cute!

After the recital we all got dressed up and headed off to my cousin Sara's wedding. It was a beautiful reception (unfortunately we missed the wedding due to the recital). The kids really enjoyed the candy table. I think my niece Alexa enjoyed it the most. At one point she had stuffed so much candy in her mouth that she couldn't even swallow.

Sara had a beautiful gown.
My sister Nicki had fun dancing with Olivia.
The next morning was mothers day. It was a very nice, relaxing day. We had stopped to get some mothers day cards and McKenzie had decided she wanted to get a card for both of her grandmas. She spent some time picking out just the right Hoops and Yoyo cards. Bobby about killed her dream when he told her that she couldn't get the ones she wanted because they weren't Mothers Day cards. Well after one look on her face he changed his mind. She was so proud to give her Grandma Jane a birthday card that sang at breakfast. She wrote Happy Mothers day inside and gave it to her the second she saw her that morning.
Next we went to my mom's house. McKenzie of course gave my mom her card as well but then soon took off with the card to show everyone else. Somehow that card came home with us because she liked it so much. She didn't want to let it go. We need to work on giving I think.

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