Monday, May 18, 2009

What a Weekend!

We had a very fun, but very exhausting weekend this weekend. After ice skating on Saturday morning, we drove out to Bob and Jane's to let my dad test his new boat out on the lake. I think he was in heaven with this new boat! It's much faster and nicer than his last one and I can tell he can't wait for it to get nice out again.
Olivia on the boat.

My dad helping McKenzie drive the boat.

After the boat ride, we had to get McKenzie ready for her gymnastics open house. Here's a picture of her all ready to go.

About halfway through the gymnastics recital, I could tell something was wrong with McKenzie. She had hit her head on a bar and then later gotten a stomach ache. I could tell by her facial expressions that she wasn't feeling good. This photo was at the end when they were all given their metals. McKenzie wanted out of there but she kept going until the end.

At this point she was ready to go. She was crying about her stomach hurting and refused to take a picture.

After gymnastics, we let McKenzie cool off a bit before heading off to her dance rehearsal. After some ice tea she was feeling fine and was able to dance. She had a blast this year. She made friends with the girls in her class and no tears (except for when I got glitter eye shadow in her eye). Here's a photo of her after her recital on Sunday with her flowers and trophy. She was so excited to get a trophy. She came home and I found her in her room, standing on her dresser taking other things off her shelves to make room for that trophy.
She was very excited yet as you can see by this picture, she was also very exhausted.
Olivia had a cute dress that matched the color of McKenzie's and I wanted a photo of them together, but Olivia fell asleep right before the end of the show.
Friday, when I picked up the girls from daycare, Olivia's teacher said that Olivia refused to take a nap. I got her home and had her sitting at the table while I made dinner. I gave her a graham cracker and when I turned around, she was falling asleep while she was eating.

This is a video of the little dance at the beginning of the gymnastics recital. It was very cute. Hard to video over other people's heads though. McKenzie is in the back, behind the girl in the leotard. She's wearing a gymnastics t-shirt and black shorts.

This is a video of McKenzie's dance rehearsal. McKenzie is the second from the left. For the first 30 seconds they forgot the dance and just fluffed their hair.

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